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About Us

Thank you for stopping by the Sentimental Dreamer. Your time spent here will take you back on a nostalgic journey, as you visit places within your heart that you may have already put away. Nevertheless, some memories keep tugging at your heartstrings, reminding you of someone who you can never truly forget. I am speaking of a special pet that may have left your life, but has never left your heart. I had such a pet, a rescue dog who changed my life. We were inseparable, a we did everything together. She taught me so much more about companionship than I had previously ever known.

Then one cold sunny afternoon, three days from a Christmas past, she was struck and killed instantly by a truck just five feet from me as I was telling her to come get in the car to go back home. Sobbing, I rushed to pick her up and held her tightly against me as I felt her heart beating franticly. Her lifeless eyes told me she was gone, nevertheless I thought that as long as her heart was beating, there might still remain some shred of hope. It began to slow, and within a minute, it stopped. In that same instant, a part of me stopped as well.

In the ensuing weeks I looked for something that I might place on the wall along with her picture, to remind me of her every day. I was rather surprised and disappointed when I really wasn't able to find anything that spoke to the sentimental nature of our relationship.

In the meantime I was trying to write my way through the grief with poetry. After completing quite a number of poems written just to her, it dawned on me that there would be others who would find themselves in similar circumstances at some point in their own lives. So I picked out a few of the poems and decided to share my journey of letting go through prose...

And this was the birth of the Sentimental Dreamer.

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